Peter Gormley

Peter  Gormley Photo
Peter Gormley Director of Operations


Peter is deeply passionate about HYGEA's focus on innovative healthcare solutions, which
aligns perfectly with his dedication to utilizing technology and research to solve problems and
improve individuals' lives. He finds immense reward in providing excellent, state-of-the-art care
for Marylanders suffering from substance abuse and other mental health issues. Witnessing
patients overcome their challenges and achieve better mental health is the most fulfilling aspect
of his work, driving his commitment to excellence and compassionate care.

Peter's educational background includes a Bachelor of Arts degree from Roanoke College,
where he developed a strong foundation in critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This
academic experience has been instrumental in his ability to approach complex healthcare
challenges with innovative solutions.

Outside of his professional life, Peter is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys golfing, hiking, fly
fishing, and camping. These activities allow him to unwind and connect with nature, providing a
balanced lifestyle that supports his professional endeavors. Additionally, Peter is a dedicated
sports fan, cheering enthusiastically for the Orioles, Ravens, and Dallas Stars. His love for
sports reflects his appreciation for teamwork, perseverance, and strategic thinking.

Peter's multifaceted interests and unwavering commitment to improving mental health care
make him a valuable asset to HYGEA and a compassionate advocate for those in need.